School Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Arrival begins at 7:30 AM-

Pre-K will be met by staff waiting at the doors.

Grades K-2 will go to the Cafeteria

Grades 3-5 will go to the Gym.

7:45 AM Students are released to classrooms.

8:00 AM Attendance will be recorded.

Dismissal Procedures:

Early Pick-up ends at 2:00 PM

2:20 PM Pre-K and K dismissal begin

2:30 PM Dismissal for 1-5

Door #1/Orange: Pre-K, & 4th grade

Door #2/Green: TBD & Catello, First grade, Keough, & McKillop

Door #3/Yellow: Martell, Altschuler, & 5th grade

Door #4/Red: Miller, Young, Milkins, & 3rd grade

Half Day Dismissal will begin at- 11:10 a.m.