Be Smart Safe Passage Tips
Safe Passage
Please take the time to remind all children of important safety tips and to "be smart" when walking to and from from school, while waiting for the school bus, and playing outdoors.
The Schenectady City School District conducts training and provides our students with information to help keep them safe and make safe decisions. We ask you to join with us by talking to your children every day and reinforcing the be smart tips:
B uddy System: Don’t be alone; take someone with you
E yes open: Be aware of your surroundings
S tay Away from Cars: Don’t be tricked into getting in to a stranger’s car
M ake a Plan: Let someone know where you are going and when you are coming home
A void strangers: Only speak to people you know
R un Away: If someone makes you feel uncomfortable make noise and run away
T ell: Tell an adult you know if someone bothers you