Distributing Flyers
Request to Distribute Flyers in District
Direct solicitation of charitable donations from children in the District schools on school property during regular school hours shall not be permitted. It will be a violation of District policy to ask District school children directly to contribute money or goods for the benefit of a charity during the hours in which District students are compelled to be on school premises.
Soliciting of funds from school personnel by persons or organizations representing public or private organizations shall be prohibited.
Neither the families, the resources, the staff, nor the students of the school district shall be employed in any manner for advertising or otherwise promoting the interests of any commercial, political, or other non‐school agency, individual or organization, except that:
1. Schools may cooperate in furthering the work of any non‐profit, community‐ wide, social service agency, provided that such cooperation does not restrict or impair the educational program of the schools or conflicting with Section 19.6 of the Rules of the Board of Regents;
2. The schools may use films or other educational materials bearing only simple mention of the producing firm;
3. The Superintendent of Schools may, at his/her discretion, announce, or authorize to be announced, any lecture or other community activity of particular educational merit.
4. No materials of a commercial nature shall be distributed through the children in attendance in the Schenectady City School District except as authorized by law or the Commissioner’s Regulations.
Flyers may be submitted for consideration by clicking here.