Progress Monitoring


SCSD Strategic Planning UpdateMay 10 2019

Melissa Matarazzo from Studer Education, the consulting group guiding the Schenectady City School District through the development and implementation of a five-year Strategic Plan, provided an update to the board of education on May 8, 2019. 

   +  Draft Strategic Plan        + Strategic Planning Presentation (May 08 2019)

The purpose of the presentation was to explain what has taken place thus far and to share a draft plan, developed from stakeholder feedback and one that is supportive of the district vision.  

Process highlights include:

  • Twenty-three focus groups were held (including nearly 200 participants)

  • There was active engagement around "high-performing organization."

  • The Guiding Coalition worked to develop potential goals, measures and values.

  • A ThoughtExchange was held (321 participants).

  • A check-in to solicit additional input from parents was completed through district engagement specialists.

  • The Strategic Planning Guiding Coalition met five times.

Input collected through focus groups and the ThoughtExchange is posted from a link below.

The guiding coalition collaborated and reviewed the input and analysis which led to the development of drafted core values and four pillars of excellence.  

Organizational Values:

The drafted Pillars of Excellence:
Student and Graduate Success
Passionate People
Partnerships with Families and Commuity
Efficient Systems and Equitable Resources

Matarazzo noted that the Strategic Plan is designed to be high level system goals and should be around over-arching things.  She reiterated that the board of education has set a vision that guides the plan.  The plan is about execution.

The plan should not about everything that the district does or about one idea.  It's not a detailed plan for executing strategies.  And, it can't be rigid.  It must be ready to change.

A draft was provided to the board of education for review and so that members could provide feedback.

The Strategic Planning process was launched in September 2018.  Details, documents and steps are chronicled below.

SCSD Strategic Planning

SCSD Strategic Planning

The Schenectady City School District began the Strategic Planning process in September 2018.  As part of the process, which is led by Studer Education, we are collecting input from students, parents, staff and community members.  More than 20 focus groups were held on September 18-20, 2018.  The district also collected input through Let's Talk through October 12, 2018 and through an online Thoughtexchange in November.  Below is a timeline of work as we move through the process.  We will keep you informed each step of the way. 

The hopes and dreams that you hold for your children and the children of our community are important as we define our educational vision, mission and strategies for achieving goals.

Why A Strategic Plan?

A Strategic Plan defines the vision for success 5 years from now.  It offers a touchstone and why for commitment. 

A Strategic Plan prioritizes key strategies that define how we achieve excellence.

A Strategic Plan requires input from stakeholder groups to be inclusive of all members of our community.

A Strategic Plan will be our road map for continuous improvement as move forward.

Strategic Planning Timeline of Activities

By September 5, 2018

Develop Planning/ Timeline/Responsibilities

September 18 - 20, 2018

Host Focus Groups with Stakeholders

September 20, 2018

Kick Off Planning Process from Stakeholders

October 18, 2018

Analyze Data

November 2, 2018

Draft priorities from data, confirm or revise mission, vision, values

November 7 - 21, 2018

Survey to draft planning priorities

January 11, 2019

Review survey feedback to revise plan and attach key strategies 

February (revised to: May)

Bring Plan to Board of Education 

October 2018 Focus Group Feedback

Twenty-three focus groups, including approximately 200 participants were held between September 18 and September 20.  We also collected feedback through Let's Talk.

Focus group participants were asked to share hopes and dreams for students, greatest strengths of the district and areas of opportunity.  

Attached, for each group, is a summary of themes as well as comments in response to focus group questions.


A thought exchange was open for three weeks in November.  323 participants shared 336 thoughts.  8,681 stars were assigned.  You can review the top thoughts here.

Share your questions, thoughts and ideas!


Thank you for participating in our THOUGHT EXCHANGE.   

November 2018 

  • 310 Participants

  • 330 Thoughts and ideas

  • 8,680 Ratings

Browse feedback in discover here.   A summary of results will be posted online.

Next steps: 

  • Review and share feedback, design plan with key strategies