WEEK ENDING January 26 2024| VOLUME 3 ISSUE NO.21

Superintendent's Brief


Happy Friday,

Today we finished Regents week at the high school. This can be a stressful time for our students. Encourage students to take a deep breath and look ahead to the remainder of the year. We look forward to seeing all of our high schoolers back in school on Monday.

Wednesday is the final day of the second quarter marking period. That means next week we begin the second half of the school year. It's not too late to help student step up their game and turn things around if they've fallen behind. Let's continue to do all we can to wrap around our students and help get them to where they need to be.

On Wednesday evening, the Board of Education held a public work session to discuss the different opportunities they have for seeking a new superintendent. Mr. Douglas Gerhardt, attorney, spoke about the pros and cons of hiring an internal candidate or doing an external search. He also described the difference between and open search and a closed search. A video of the meeting is available here. The board will continue to provide updates as they move through the process. The next Board of Education meeting is scheduled for February 7, 6:30 p.m. in the Mont Pleasant Middle School Schenectady Room. At this meeting, Mr. Gillooley will provide a preliminary 2024-2025 budget picture based on the governor's New York State Budget.

I continue to offer gratitude to those of you who have participated in our Strategic Planning focus groups. We are gathering great input that will help us develop our plan and continue to improve. It's not too late if you haven't participated yet. We have added three more sessions (one for Spanish-speakers) to the schedule as follows:

  • Wednesday, January 31, 5:30 p.m., Schenectady High School Commons

  • Thursday, February 1, 5:30 p.m., Mont Pleasant Middle School

  • Spanish Session Tuesday, February 6, 5:30 p.m., Hamilton Elementary School

You can attend any location regardless of where your child attends school. You can sign up by clicking here.

The committee for the "Code of Character, Conduct and Support" is seeking feedback and suggestions that will help inform the development of the "2024-2025 Code of Character, Conduct and Support." This is important as this it is the set of rules and behavior expectations for providing a safe, respectful, inclusive and nurturing environment where all students can learn. You can find the 2023-2024 Code here. Please provide feedback, by clicking here.

Good luck to the 40 Schenectady student musicians who were selected to participate in this weekend's Schenectady All-County Music Festival. The festival takes place on Friday, January 26 and Saturday, January 27 and includes 8+ hours of rehearsals followed by a concert on Saturday at 2:00 PM at Schalmont High School. The concert is free and open to the public (donations accepted at the door) so please come out and support our students.

Schenectady All-County Students

Schenectady All County Students

Schenectady All County Students


January 31
End of the 2nd Quarter

February 7
Reports cards sent home with students in grades K-5

Report cards mailed home for students in grades 6-12

Black History Month

Food Pantries

Food pantries are open to all families.

Contact your school's parent liaison to access the pantry which provides food for your entire family. If your child is in middle school or high school, please contact your school's parent liaison who will help connect you to the pantry closest to you.

Congrats to our senior athletes. Some of our sports teams held senior night this week.

Wrestling Team Senior Night

Photo:  Senior Wrestlers

Girls Bowling Senior Night

Photo:  Girls Bowling Senior Night

Girls Basketball Senior Night

Photo:  Girls Basketball Senior Night

Girls Wrestling Senior Night

Photo:  Girls Wrestling Senior Night

Part of the experience of Big Picture Schenectady is "leaving to learn" which is out-of-school real life work experiences and opportunities to explore and connect students with their interests . Last Thursday, students in Big Picture Schenectady visited Monet: The Immersive Experience at Armory Studios. Students participated in a wide variety of workshops and digital exhibitions, including virtual reality, related to French Impressionist Painter Claude Monet. Students have been studying and working with varying methodologies and techniques. This experience was an enriching opportunity that connected students with their academic and studio studies.

Photo:  Big Picture students at Monet:  The Immersive Experience at the Armory

Good luck to the Niskayuna-Schenectady Girls Wrestling Team as they head to Syracuse tomorrow to represent Section 2 in a Girls Wrestling Tournament hosted by SRC Arena.

Photo:  Girls Wrestling

Please remind children of important safety tips and to "be smart" when walking to and from school, while waiting for the school bus, and playing outdoors.

Buddy System: Don't be alone take someone with you
Eyes open: Be aware of your surroundings
Stay away from cars: Don't be tricked into getting in to a stranger's car
Make a plan: Let someone know where you are going and when you are coming home
Avoid strangers: Only speak to people you know
Run away: If someone makes you feel uncomfortable make noise and run away
Tell: Tell an adult you know if someone bothers you

I also want to provide an important safety reminder to drivers when approaching a stopped school bus. When a stopped school bus flashes red lights, traffic that approaches from either direction, even in front of the school and in school parking lots, must stop before it reaches the bus. When you stop for a school bus, it's illegal to drive again until the red lights stop flashing or until the bus driver or a traffic officer signals you can proceed. This law applies on all roadways in New York State.

Thursday is the first day of February which is Black History Month. This is a time when we celebrate and honor the rich cultural heritage, triumphs, and recognize the adversities that are an important part of our country's history. It's also time to pause and remember the long journey of sacrifice, struggle, oppression, discrimination, racism and more.

Black History Month is celebrated in February because it is the birth month of Frederick Douglass, an abolitionist, and Abraham Lincoln who led our country during the Civil War, which was primarily fought over the enslavement of Black people in the country. It honors all Black people from all periods of U.S. history.

Please educate children on why we celebrate Black History Month. Here are some things you can do to honor and recognize Black History:

  • Educate yourself on the Black history in your community

  • Visit a Black or African-American History museum

  • Learn about Black music history

  • Read books by Black authors

  • Watch films or videos by Black creators

  • Organize or attend a diversity and inclusion event. There are often Black History celebrations in our schools and the community.

The Black History Month 2024 theme is "African Americans and the Arts."

Photo:  Black History Month

If you're looking for something fun to do this week, please come consider attending the aforementioned All-County Music Festival on Saturday or come out and support our athletes. The sports schedule is here.

Next week is the start of February which means winter recess is quickly approaching and is only a few weeks away.

Have a great weekend.


Anibal Soler Jr.
Superintendent of Schools

February Menus

STEM Saturday Grades K-5 & 8

Open to students in grades K-5 & 8
Saturday, February 17, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., King Elementary School
Register here

FLYER:  Stem Saturday, February 17

Sch'dy Youth Baseball Clinic

Open to students in grades 3-6
Sundays in February, 9 a.m., Schenectady High School Gym
Sign up here

Flyer:  Schenectady Youth Baseball Clinic


Schenectady Connects (February)

Schenectady Connects Workshop Series in February
Sign up for a workshop here

Photo:  Schenectady Connects Workshops

Media Lab After-School Program for Students in Grades 6-8

Runs October 24 - May 16

Flyer:  Media Lab

Valentine's Day Family Dance

Saturday, February 17, 5-7 p.m.
Schenectady YMCA, 433 State St.

YMCA Valentines Dance

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MOBILE APP SUPPORT Click here to watch a short video on how to set your school and language preferences on our mobile app: hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saNC9ek2Lqg

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PREVIOUS BRIEFS: For the index of Volume 1, 2 and 3 briefs click here.