WEEK ENDING November 03 2023| VOLUME 3 ISSUE NO. 10

Superintendent's Brief


Good afternoon,

I hope your weekend is off to a great start. We continue to have a lot going on. As such, I have quite a few things to provide updates and report on. I'm going to begin today's brief by sharing information regarding 2022-2023 assessment results, Regents scores and our graduation rate. We recently received these results from the NYS Department of Education. An overview was presented to the Board of Education on Wednesday evening. You can download that presentation here but I will review and provide an overview as follows.

I'll start with the good news and share that we showed growth across the board in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics.


Overall, our proficiency rate increased 3.96% in grades 3-8 on the ELA assessment districtwide. That means we had more students score at levels 3 and 4 and fewer students at levels 1 and 2 than in 2021-2022. Almost every elementary school displayed growth. We also increased participation 6.73% with an overall participation rate of 92.5%.


November 7
Superintendent's Conference Day
No School for Students

November 10
Veterans Day
No School and District Offices are Closed

Native American Month November

Graph of ELA Assessmet Results

Chart:  NYS assessment for ELA by school

I would like to draw attention to Paige and Van Corlaer for showing the greatest increases with 19.08% and 14.8% respectively on the ELA assessment. Zoller showed the highest proficiency rate at 35.4%. It's also important to point out that each subgroup showed growth across the board on the ELA assessment.

We also continue to have a strong focus on reading and literacy. You'll see below that we are doing a call to action, "Schenectady's Right to Read," to get as much support as possible to address literacy concerns and boost reading in our community. To this end, we appreciate the support we receive from volunteers like "Reading is Fun."


Our math proficiency rate increased by 6.93%. It's also important to point out, 162 of our 8th graders participated in the Algebra Regents exam with a 67.9% passing rate.

There was an increase in proficiency in math at every grade level with third grade showing the highest proficiency rate. Grades 8 and 7 had the greatest increase with 11.08% and 10.85% respectively. That's significant growth, especially at 8th grade. When we look at individual schools, Yates and Pleasant Valley elementary schools showed the greatest growth with increases of 13.82% and 12.22%. Additionally, all of our subgroups grew in math proficiency. Like with ELA, we are not yet where we want to be but all indications are that we are moving in the right direction.

Chart:  NYS Math Assessment Results by level and year

Chart:  NYS Assessments for math by grade level

Graph:  NYS math proficiency

The following chart shows our results on the New York State Regents Exam

Graph:  NYS Regents Scores

The Schenectady High School 2019 cohort (Class of 2023) graduation rate is 76.1%. The district-wide rate for this cohort is 73.9% While this is a slight dip from the previous two years, it is important to point out that requirements were more relaxed in the two years immediately following the COVID pandemic when virtual learning replaced attending in person. The graduation rate has improved significantly when compared to years prior to that. The district graduation rate from June to August grew 2% which means some students just needed a little more time to complete the requirements.

Chart:  Graduation Rate

Chart:  Graduation Rate over 10 years

We know that we still have much work to do, but we should view this as strides forward. Let's remember that we have to get to here before we get to there. It doesn't happen overnight. We will keep working at it and will be sure we are doing all we can to make it happen.

I realize that was a whole lot of information but it is important for our school community to be aware of how our students are performing, growth opportunities and our focus moving forward. We will continue to be forthcoming with this information and share what we are doing to boost learning and take strides forward. Everybody counts. Everybody learns.


We had a few special celebrations of recognition at the board meeting this week. We first expressed gratitude to the King Community School Faculty and Staff, with special recognition to five faculty/staff members for their swift response and how they handled a difficult situation a few weeks ago when a faculty member suffered a critical medical emergency.

Mayor McCarthy and Assemblyman Santabarbara presented proclamations and we presented a resolution and gave certificates of appreciation to the following:

  • Joshua Bate, Instructional Supervisor

  • Asha Evans, Social Worker

  • Connor McCagg, ACE Teacher

  • Matt Gardner, Security Monitor

  • Xavier Cruz , Paraprofessional

These individuals took life-saving measures, including the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED), to save a colleague's life. We are also grateful to entire the King school faculty and staff for the way they responded and supported one another. Read the board of education resolution here.

Photo:  King Staff recognized at the BOE meeting

Photo:  King School Staff recognized at the November 1 board of education meeting

On Wednesday evening we also celebrated district champions of the "Partnerships with Families and Communities" pillar. The award was given to employees for demonstrated commitment and dedication working with families and the community. "Partnership with Families and Community" is one of four pillars of the district strategic plan. We received nominations from each school. You can read the nominations on our website here.

Congratulations to the following:

  • Tymesia Nabors, Social Worker, City As Our Campus

  • Jennifer Paley, AIS ELA Teacher, Hamilton Elementary School

  • Christine Ewert, Parent Liaison, King Elementary School

  • Linda Garrigan, 2nd Grade Teacher, Keane Elementary School

  • Tom Mueller, School Counselor, Lincoln Elementary School

  • Lashanda Blanks, Parent Empowerment Center Facilitator, Schenectady High School

  • Dina Allen, 4th Grade Teacher, Pleasant Valley Elementary School

  • Keedra Kirby, STEM/Media Teacher, Howe Elementary School

  • Des'Nae Felton, Security Monitor, Yates Elementary School

  • Debbie Borden, 2nd Grade Teacher, Woodlawn Elementary School

  • Tanekia Matthews, Parent Liaison/Security Monitor, Zoller Elementary School

  • Nicholas Ronca, Grade 6 Science Teacher, Oneida Middle School

  • Anna Robinson, Parent Liaison, Mont Pleasant Middle School

  • Nicole Marriner, STEM/Media Teacher, Paige Elementary School

  • Jamie Gentile, Student Engagement and Attendance Specialist, Van Corlaer Elementary School

  • Marcus McNeil, Security Monitor, Central Park Middle Schol

  • Michelle Thormhill, School Psychologist, Steinmetz Career and Leadership Academy

  • Leann Dawley, School Social Worker, Washington Irving

  • Alex Torres, Senior Parent Liaison, Central Office

While October is over, our principal recognition continues. This week we present Kerri Messler and Tony Farina. Thank you for all that your do for our students and families.

Principal Profile:  Kerri Messler

Principal Profile:  Tony Farina

There is no school for students on Tuesday, November 7 because all faculty and staff will be participating in a districtwide Superintendent's Conference Day. These are days set aside on the calendar for all district faculty and staff to participate in professional learning activities related to each person's role in the district. These often include a keynote, workshops, and a variety of sessions led by our own staff. This is an opportunity for all of our employees to engage in skill work that involves collaboration, problem-solving, and learning so everyone performs at their best in the educational setting. These days are important because they address important and current initiatives, provide tools and resources, serve to develop new techniques, allows for thought partnership, mentorship, and provides best practices. At the end of the day, we do this work so that we can be the best that we can for our students.

November is Native American Heritage Month

This month is Native American, American Indian, Alaska Native Heritage Month. It is a time to celebrate the traditions, languages and stories of Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and affiliated Island communities and ensure their rich histories and contributions continue to thrive with each passing generation. Read the White House Proclamation here.

On Thursday, a group of 8th and 9tH grade students participated in a student panel discussing the importance of elevating student voice at the Diversity, Inclusion and Wellness Regional Workshop in Saratoga. Thank you the following students who participated and did an amazing job representing our district:

  • Tatiana Pearman (8th grade, Oneida)

  • Blessie Ngoto Waldo (8th grade, Oneida)

  • Gavin George (8th grade, Mont Pleasant)

  • Viamar Negron-Ramos (8th grade, Mont Pleasant)

  • Reinlyz Felix-Barretty (8th grade, Mont Pleasant)

  • Liza Mulliin (9th grade, City as Our Campus)

  • Isaiah Roberts (9th grade, City as Our Campus)

The students answered questions and spoke about why student voice matters, what types of programs and events they would like to see more of in school, advice to others about making a difference, challenges they face, ways adults can better support students, and more.

Also thank you to Dr. Carlos Cotto, Brian Ledbetter, Tatayana Gibson, and Ebony Belmar for accompanying the students and making this leadership opportunity possible.

Photo:  Students participating in the Student Panel Discussion in Saratoga



We will be hosting "Schenectady's Right to Read," an awareness and call to action campaign on December 11 from 5 - 7:30 p.m. at Proctors. At the event, we will show the powerful "Right to Read" film which highlights the importance of reading and the challenges that schools and communities across the country are facing as we work to address a literacy crisis. We can't do this alone. We will be asking our school community to step up and collaborate with us on this important initiative. Refreshments will be served at 4:30 p.m. We thank The Education Trust New York and Curriculum Associated for their support with this event. Register to attend here or by scanning the QR code below.

Right to Read Postcard

The Reading is Fun (RIF) Program is seeking volunteers to read books with students for 30-60 minutes each week. RIF partners with teachers in all of our elementary schools. Training and books are provided to volunteers. For more information, please email rifvolunteerplacements@gmail.com

This is a valuable volunteer service provided to our students. We are grateful to RIF and all the volunteers who spend time reading to and with our youngest learners. As we all know, the value of reading cannot be overstated. Some benefits of reading with children include:

  • Cognitive development

  • Improved language skills

  • Preparation for academic success

  • Increased concentration and discipline

  • Improved imagination and creativity

  • Cultivating a lifelong love of reading

RIF is seeking volunteers

We encourage all parents, guardians and caregivers of elementary school children to set aside a regularly scheduled time every day to read with your children. Even after children learn to read by themselves, it's still important for you to read aloud together. By reading stories that are on their interest level, but beyond their reading level, can stretch young readers' understanding and motivate them to improve their skills. In addition to the benefits above, taking time to read with your children sends an important message that reading is worthwhile.

Please find our Office of Innovation, Equity and Engagement November Newsletter here. It has many program updates as well as contact information for your school parent liaison.

I hope you had a fun and safe Halloween earlier this week. There were many events taking place across our district and in the community. Thank you to all who held fun and safe events for our students and families.

Photo:  Halloween 2023

Photo:  Halloween 2023

Photo:  Halloween 2023

Photo:  Halloween 2023

Last week, students from The Law Enforcement Engagement Club and JROTC volunteered for the Scare-nectady Haunted Patrol with the Schenectady Police Department. Students handed out candy and trick-or-treating safety tips to children and met with Mayor McCarthy during the event. We are grateful to the city and many community groups to provided a safe place for our students to enjoy Halloween.

Photo:  SHS student volunteers for Scarenectady

Flyer:  Photo Smash

November 4 10:00 a.m. - noon on the Schenectady High School Fields. Pumpkins and gourds will be collected and composted for use in our school gardens

Photo:  Student talking with Mayor McCarthy

I'm happy to share that the Blue Roses Theatre Company will present its first production of the school year in a few weeks. Love/Sick opens Thursday November 16 in the William W. Ziskin Black Box Theater at SHS. See the flyer here or below for details.

While most of our electronic devices change automatically, it can't hurt to provide a reminder that Daylight Saving Time ends on November 2 at 2 a.m. That means we turn our clocks back and get an extra hour of sleep.

It's hard to believe but our first quarter marking period is quickly coming to a close on November 14. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress, please be sure to contact your child's teacher.

It's the time of year where we start talking about planning for the next budget year. Mr. Gillooley presented the 2024-2025 Budget Development Calendar to the board of education this week. Guidelines will be distributed and meetings scheduled with principals in December.

Next week is a short week. The Veterans' Day holiday is next Friday. There is no school and district offices are closed.

Have a great weekend and thank you for all you do.


Anibal Soler, Jr.
Superintendent of Schools

BRT presents Love/Sick

Photo of Piper Zurmuhlen a student in the Career and Technical Education Program at BOCES

Piper Zurmulen, Schenectady senior who attends part-time in the BOCES Career and Technical Education Global Fashion Program has been participating in work-based learning with the Albany theater group. She spent a week at the theater and will return in December for another week. "I'm learning a lot about costuming and it was really interesting to see their costime room and learn what they do," said Piper.

Students in the Global Fashion Program study creative design and core business concepts and apply them to the world of fashion.

Information for Winter Athletes

The winter sports season is right around the corner.

The first day of tryouts/practice for all high school winter sports is Monday, November 13.

The first day of tryouts/practice for all modified winter sports is Monday, November 27.

Tryout schedules will be posted to the school website and on social media, including the Schenectady Athletics Instagram account.

If your child is interested in playing a winter sport, please make sure you register them on Family ID. Registration will be open until Friday, November 10 at 10:59 p.m. Students will not be allowed to participate in tryouts or practices until their registration is complete (which includes making sure you have an up-to-date physical).

Community Notes

miSci Flyer for Families

miSci Flyer for families

miSci Flyer for Teachers

miSci Flier for Teachers

Congratulations and Welcome

The following were appointed by the Board of Education on November 1. If you are new to the district, "Welcome to Schenectady."


  • Ailene Cavaliere, Assistant Principal, Keane ES

  • Kurt Redman, Director of Instructional Technology

Student Engagement and School Attendance Specialist

  • Jayvanua Williams

Operations and Maintenance

  • Kyle Jojo, Turf Manager

  • Amber Riglioni, Custodian, Woodlawn ES


  • Sarah Bianchi, SHS

Security Monitors

  • Brian Dobies, Mont Pleasant MS

  • Briceida Morgan, Pleasant Valley ES

  • Jeffrey Nunnally, Central Park MS

  • Christopher Tatlock, Oneida MS


  • Heather Dandashi, Keane ES

  • Christopher Harrington, Art, WIEC

  • Laura Naumovitz, School Media Specialist, SHS

  • John Sawitzki, Math, SHS

Teaching Assistant

  • Irina Krasteva, Paige ES


  • Tiffany Adamson, SHS

  • Briana Boaz-Heller, Martin Luther King Jr. ES

  • Jude Camillo, WIEC

  • Haley Dow, Keane ES

  • Margaret Heller, SCLA

  • Darnel Jennings, WIEC

  • Mariah Kain, Keane ES

  • Natalie Larrieux, SHS

  • Jahddah Lennon, Yates ES

  • Karinia Rivera, Lincoln ES

  • Yadiel Rodriguez, Mont Pleasant MS

  • Nelida Rosario, Martin Luther King Jr. ES

  • Kimberly Wagoner, Zoller ES

Lunch Monitors

  • Alli Bebe, Hamilton ES

  • Tiahja Colon, Yates ES

  • Hannah Cruz, Woodlawn ES

  • Vanity Edwards, Martin Luther King Jr. ES

  • Azimoon Hera, Martin Luther King Jr. ES

  • Rebecca Ludena, Pleasant Valley ES

  • Angela Parbhudial, Van Corlaer ES

  • Asalah Salim, Hamilton ES

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PREVIOUS BRIEFS: For the index of Volume 1, 2 and 3 briefs click here.