The Patriot Leadership Academy

The Schenectady City School District's Patriot Leadership Academy

E M P O W E R I N G   L E A D E R S.        T R A N S F O R M I N G    S C H O O L S    F O R   E V E R Y    S T U D E N T.

The Schenectady City School District's Patriot Leadership Academy is a K-12, district initiative to support our SAA and aspiring SCSD faculty who may be aspiring leaders. The focus of the program is to create a tailor-made support experience, unique to the needs and goals of Schenectady CSD- an experience that will support a successful and satisfying journey as a leader focused on equity and excellence where Everybody Counts and Everybody Learns. Furthermore, we are committed to using this support structure to "grow our own" leaders:  an opportunity to seek out and recruit rising stars in our organization and encourage them to consider leadership roles now and in the future. 

Participation is voluntary but encouraged especially for our untenured leaders.
Our academy is designed to provide resources, support, mentoring for our passionate leaders who currently lead at the building or district level.  We encourage others who are pursuing leadership roles to consider joining this exciting initiative in the spirit of growing our own and helping Schenectady rise.   

What you can expect:

  • On-going support

  • Problem-based and action-learning methods  

  • One on one and small group coaching

  • Workshops and problem-solving sessions

  • Team building and collaboration

  • Opportunities to discuss challenges and best practices


We are accepting applications for both mentors/coaches (to provide support to untenured administrators) and for participation in the Patriot Leadership Academy (for aspiring administrators).


The mentor/coach will be a confidential thought-partner and support to untenured administrators for implementation of instructional and behavioral systems and strategies and in work toward goals.


PATRIOT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY APPLICATION for faculty who are aspiring to a leadership role  


Time:  4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
We will be meeting at local eateries in a private room for these meetings.  We will invite our Patriot Leaders to join us for a 'Connection Hour' after our learning time to break bread and connect on a personal level.

January 25, 2022 (Kick-off)
FOCUS: Back to Basics:  SCSD's Arm & Leg of Being a Building Leader
Guest Speakers: 
Principal Gorman, Principal Farina, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Chisolm

  • Establish, identify, and assign mentors

  • Introductions to new district office and overview

Time:  4:30 p.m. in the Schenectady High School Library
Connection Cafe:  Centre Street

February 15, 2022
FOCUS: Systems &  How to Create Trauma Skilled Schools
Guest Speakers:  Principal Flanders and Principal Green

Time:  4:30 p.m. in the Schenectady High School Library
Connection Cafe:  Katie O'Byrnes

March 10, 2022
FOCUS:  Using DDI to Guide Decisions and Resources
               DDI and Budget 101
Guest Speakers:  Principal Howard, Assistant Principal Pizzo, Principal Farina, Chief Financial Officer Gillooley

Time:  4:30 p.m. in the Schenectady High School Library
Connection Cafe:  151 Restaurant

April 4, 2022
Community Schools and Intentional Leadership Around Culture and Climate
Guest Speakers:  Principal Munrett and Panel Experts on Hiring

Time:  4:30 p.m. in the Schenectady High School Library
Connection Cafe: Shaker and Vine

May 5, 2022

FOCUS:  Putting 1st Things 1st
              School Improvement - Our Story
Guest Speakers:  Principal Messler and Principal Biette

4:30 p.m. in the Schenectady High School Library
Connection Cafe: 

June 2, 2022
FOCUS: Working from the Inside Out
Guest Speakers:  Principal Flanders, Director of Teaching and Learning Parente, Assistant Director for ELA Gleason, Principal McEvoy, Director Roylance

Time:  4:30 p.m. in the Schenectady High School Library
Connect Cafe:  Centre Street


Equity is at the center of it all - making sure every student has the same chance at a quality education.

Cultivate a collegial and supportive community of leaders who have a passion for urban school education.

Engage in professional growth that allows us to reflect on our work. 

Why this work is important

Principals shape the conditions for high-quality teaching and are the primary factor in determining whether teachers remain in high-needs schools.  Principals can be powerful multipliers of effective teaching and leadership practices.

The effectiveness of principals is vital to the effectiveness of the school.  Strong leaders contribute significantly to successful school turnaround.